This tutorial will help you understand how to Create and Edit a Contact Category to start grouping your contacts into for easy reference and to specify who and when your contacts will receive your information.
You have previously and successfully learned how to Edit your Email Series. Now you are ready for the next step, which is Creating Contact Categories.
Via Computer Web Browser
Step 1: On any page, click on the All Contacts icon (top right), to take you to the All Contacts page. Alternatively, you can get to the same area by opening Calls & Contacts, and by clicking on the All Contacts menu item under that on the left side of the page.
Step 2: Click on the contact you are searching for to open the Contact Manager page for that user.
Note: Both the First and Last Name link will redirect to the same page, ie. the Contact Manager page.
Step 3: In the Contact Info tab, click on the Edit Categories link to take you to the Contact Categories page.
Step 4: The First row should be empty for you to fill in the details of the Category you want to add. Once you have entered the value for the fields, click on the Add button to save the changes. Here’s what you need to do;
- Description: Type in a name or short description of the category you want to add in to the system.
- Sort Order: The order of appearance of the category you want to add as displayed in the category list.
Note: For convenience and recommended by us, use sort orders that go up by 10, as this makes it easier to insert a category later without needing to re-number them all. In this case, you can use a sort order of 90 or 110.
Step 5: To modify the values of the category, simply edit the same and then click Update to save the changes.
Note: You can also add/edit a category in the Add a New Contact page. Click on the More Detail link to expand the Optional Information section and then click on the Edit link in the Category section to go to the Contact Category page.
For an Existing Contact:
Step 1: To add a contact to a category, go to the Contact Manager interface for that user and then click on the Assign link (above Contact Methods) to open the list of all the available categories in the system.
Step 2: In the pop-up window, you can select the categories you prefer to assign to the contact, simply by checking the boxes preceding the category name and then by clicking on the Save button below to save the changes.
You will notice that the category or categories you have selected for this contact appears below in the open area.
For a New Contact:
Step 1: While adding a contact in your system, click on the More Detail link (bottom) next to the blue Quick Add button.
Step 2: In the Optional Information area, the first item is to assign a category. Check all the applicable categories from the pop-up menu that opens. There is also an Edit link to go to the Contact Category page, in case you need to create a new one.
Purpose of a Category:
Categories are used to group users as you see fit. For example, you can send a custom email to a category or categories, by using the Email Blaster. Check the appropriate box for Categories before sending out the email.
Note: To go to the group Email Blaster page, click on Campaigns on the left hand menu and then click on Email Group.
Access through the Mobile App
All Small Business Dream Tutorials are shown with a Computer view as explained above. This is the easiest and most complete way to Configure your Small Business Dream system, but if you are wanting to configure some areas by using your Mobile App, here are the simple steps to help you get started quickly.
Step 1: On the home page when logging into the Mobile App, you will see Action List and Social Tasks.
Step 2: Click on the menu (3 horizontal lines) at the top left corner of the page to expand the list.
Step 3: Then you will see your Wallet, Store Details (where you can setup and view your store details), Contacts and Manage.
Step 4: Click on the menu item to view and configure that particular area of your system.
Until our Next Lesson on Adding a Note & other Functions!
Happy Dreaming. Yours Truly, Support and Training Crew
PS: If you want to jump ahead and learn more, you can see the entire training series by clicking here: Tutorial